picto calendrier

Our ecological commitment

Our environment is precious and deserves our full attention

Very attached to our region and attentive to living in harmony (in bold) with our environment, we are keen to share our love of nature and the land with our guests who come to Thannenkirch in search of gentleness and authenticity.

If, like us, you are sensitive to good environmental practices and to your carbon footprint, you will appreciate staying with us and being part of our approach. Our commitment to respecting the environment, which is so precious to us, is reflected in our overall environmental approach :
- 2001 membership of the "Hôtels au Naturel" charter; member of the Parcs Naturels Régionaux de France
- 2002 Labellisation Refuge de Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux
- 2020 La Clef Verte
- 2022 FOREST l'Effet Vosges

In concrete terms, for almost 20 years, we have been implementing daily measures to reduce energy consumption in our hotel business :
- Optimisation of water consumption: installation of flow reducers on the taps, improvement of its properties thanks to the Grander water system treating the water by vivification
- Reduction of electricity consumption: low-energy LED light bulbs, motion detectors in common areas, wood chip heating system, etc.
- Selective waste sorting: recycling and composting, management of organic waste by Agrivalor (production of hot water and electricity)
- No single-use plastic
- Use of ecological cleaning products
- Installation of eco-pumps in the showers and toilets with French organic soap
- Locavore purchasing strategy that favours short circuits and promotes local products
- Construction of nesting boxes (LPO)

We reward our clients who come without a car with our Low Carbon Offer (see our Special Offers). In line with this approach, we have received the Accueil Vélo certification to meet the requirements of cyclists.